
Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3. Survivors of Suicide

I recently came upon this website and thought it worth mentioning in this series -- even though it doesn't specifically provide suicide prevention assistance and education. Dealing with one's grief after a loved one's suicide is the first step to avoiding your own suicide. I'm told it is very common for relatives of suicides to take their own lives.

Created in 1998, Survivors of Suicide is an independently owned and operated website and is in no way associated with any specific group, organization or religious affiliation. Its purpose is to help those who have lost a loved one to suicide resolve their grief and pain in their own personal way.

The registered area of the SOS site (for which a fee is charged) offers an interactive forum called The Circle that is dedicated to those who have lost a loved one to suicide and a safe place to share and discuss the feelings associated with such a loss. The Healing Hearts area offers support, consolation and encouragement to members in all stages of their grief. All registered users also have the opportunity to create an online memorial dedicated to their lost loved one in which family members and friends can visit online. There is also a Chat Room available in the Members area, a Poetry Board, and a special place to share Our Stories. 

The Survivors of Suicide site offers no professional counseling and it is not associated with any mental health organization. The SOS web site is simply put, survivors helping and supporting other survivors. 
Though Survivors of Suicide doesn’t actively provide suicide prevention advice and counsel, it provides links to other sites offering suicide prevention information.

For more information about the Survivors of Suicide website go to:

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