
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 2. American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is another organization I wish I had known about while Paul was still alive. I found AFSP on Facebook. Please take a look at its page -- there's a lot of hurting people out there whose lives have been affected by a loved one's suicide.

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention invests in research, new educational campaigns, innovative demonstration projects and critical policy work. It also assists people whose lives have been affected by suicide, reaching out to offer support and opportunities to become involved in prevention.

AFSP has thirty-nine community-based chapters and has twenty-four more in development. Its growing list of friends and supporters lead a grassroots constituency that can advocate for the policies and legislation at the state and federal levels to advance suicide prevention.

AFSP estimates a suicide attempt occurs every minute of every day and over 34,000 lives lost each year to suicide in the U.S. each year.

Five Core Strategies:
  • Funds scientific research
  • Offers educational programs for professionals
  • Educates the public about mood disorders and suicide prevention
  • Promotes policies and legislation that impact suicide and prevention
  • Provides programs and resources for survivors of suicide loss and people at risk, and involves them in the work of the Foundation
            Activities include:
  •  Supporting research that is improving our understanding of suicide and its prevention. Since 2000, AFSP has invested over $10 million in new studies, including research into treatments for people who are depressed and suicidal.
  •  Providing education and information about depression and suicide to professionals, the media and the public through workshops, trainings, the AFSP website, videos, publications, brochures and public service announcements. AFSP's PSA, "Suicide Shouldn't be a Secret," has reached 90 million television viewers.
  • Publicizing the magnitude of the problems of depression and suicide, advocating for policies and legislation that can help prevent suicide and working to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental illness and suicide.
  •   Offering programs for survivors of suicide loss that can be of assistance and involving survivors in suicide prevention. AFSP survivor initiatives include the National Survivors of Suicide Day program, which was broadcast to over 175 communities and was simulcast on the AFSP website, the Survivor e-Network and trainings for survivor support group facilitators.

Recent News:
AFSP received a special message from the White House supporting National Survivors of Suicide Day, acknowledging the pain and tragedy of suicide loss, and recognizing the efforts of those who are working to prevent suicide throughout the nation. 
President Obama pledged his administration's support for mental health screening and treatment for service members and veterans, and efforts to reach vulnerable youth, including those who may have been the victims of bullying.

If you are suicidal,
CALL 800-273-TALK
For more information about the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention or if you want to donate go to:

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