
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

So, how's the writer's life going?

I’ve been very good about writing my 300 words a day. Or if I don’t, I makeup for it in the next day or two. Yet, I can’t bring myself to read the book my novel writing teacher recommended: The Scene Book A Primer for The Fiction Writer. Hey, I don’t even call myself a fiction writer yet, so what am a hesitating for? I need the instruction very badly. In fact I plan to sign up for her Fall class.  

I have begun to introduce myself as a writer lately. Someone asked me today if I work and I said, “I recently retired. But I’m a writer so I’m keeping busy with that.” I explained that even though my day job was related to writing, I have the opportunity concentrate on my own thing now.

Another thing that’s happening is that I’m spending a lot more time reading. I’m on my third book in three weeks – A Reliable Wife, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and my current read, The Shadow in the Wind. All three are very different yet all very worth while. Of the three I’d say I liked A Reliable Wife the best and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, the most poorly written. The plot is very clever and makes the book a page turner, but I’m afraid that when the writing bothers me I have trouble getting the full value of the plot. 

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