
Saturday, June 12, 2010

Introducing Barbara Barth

I'll be hosting Barbara Barth here on "Choices" on June 21, so I want to give you a little information about her in advance.

Barbara Barth likes a lot of things: turquoise jewelry, surfing the ‘net, margaritas. Then there are the dogs. Six at last count. But who can keep it straight with all those tales wagging? This Georgia antique dealer and jewelry maker published a hobby newsletter for 13 years. After her husband died she recorded the year that followed in a series of essays. When she isn’t writing you can find her at the local thrift shops or pounding another nail into the wall to hang the paintings she can’t resist.

Her book, The Unfaithful Widow is the memoir of a 59 year old wife who suddenly finds herself a widow. She’s the member of a new club where she doesn’t fit in, trying to create a new life for herself. Along with the grief there are plenty of awkward situations, new experiences and just plain silliness. The Unfaithful Widow delves into everything from condoms to memorial services to dog companions(and a few human ones).
And, I'm very excited that she'll tell us about writing a memoir in essay form and the advantages of printing on demand.
So I hope you'll join Barbara and me here on June 21.

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