
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kindle Nation newsletter applauds my publisher, Dream of Things

Kindle Nation Bargain Book Alert: Four Best-Selling Memoirs for 99 Cents Each – Plus Three Bonus Books!

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Publisher Mike O’Mary
Dream of Things is an indie publisher with a reputation for finding and publishing high-quality memoirs. Each of the memoirs offered today for 99 cents has 50+ reader reviews and ratings of 4+ stars.
“We focus on memoirs and creative nonfiction,” says publisher Mike O’Mary. “Our goal is to provide readers with distinctive voices, meaningful books.” So far, it looks like Dream of Things is succeeding. Check out this great line-up of memoirs – all at ONLY 99 CENTS August 15-17.

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Everything I Never Wanted to Be by Dina Kucera (159 Reviews, 4.6 Stars): “How come people who have experienced such trauma write so well? So raw and funny that it almost makes me want to have horrible things happen to me so my writing will improve.” Joel Stein, Time Magazine columnist

Leaving the Hall Light On by Madeline Sharples (149 Reviews, 4.4 Stars): A mother’s story of living with her son’s bipolar disorder and surviving his suicide. “A moving read of tragedy, trying to prevent it, and coping with life after.” Midwest Book Review

Betty’s Child by Don Dempsey (115 Reviews, 4.7 Stars): In the tradition of Frank McCourt and Angela’s Ashes, the true story of one boy’s ordeals with poverty, violence, religion, and physical and mental abuse as he attempts to come of age with only his street smarts and sense of humor to guide him. “Heartrending and humorous.” Kirkus Reviews

Swimming with Maya by Eleanor Vincent (49 Reviews, 4.4 Stars): Demonstrates the remarkable process of healing after the traumatic death of a loved one. “Vincent’s poignant decision to donate Maya’s organs will resonate with even hard-boiled readers.” Booklist

Bonus books: Dream of Things also publishes anthologies of creative nonfiction – collections of essays that are “short and deep” says O’Mary, with more depth than the typical Chicken Soup story, but shorter and more digestible than Best American Essays. Download these thoughtful and thought-provoking collections for only 99 cents!
Daughters of Absence  (25 Reviews, 4.4 Stars): A collection of twelve essays written by daughters of Holocaust survivors. “A powerful, life-affirming read and a strongly recommended addition to Holocaust studies reading lists and reference collections.” Midwest Book Review

Be There Now  (24 Reviews, 4.8 Stars): Travel stories from around the world. “More of an experience than reportage; I was truly THERE instead of HERE.” Marginalia

Saying Goodbye (29 Reviews, 4.7 Stars): True stories about saying goodbye to the people, places and things in our lives. “Tender perspectives helping readers with their own goodbyes.” Midwest Book Review

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