
Saturday, April 13, 2013

I’m inundated with writing information

I get posts from the sites listed below either daily or weekly. They take over my email stream. And if I read each and every one of them every day, I wouldn’t have time for anything else – including what I’m sitting down to do – WRITE! 

Mind you, this list doesn’t include posts from blogs I regularly follow, a daily poem, and other various emails from the Writer’s Market, Amazon, Powell’s Books, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Twitter – the list goes on and on.

So what do you think? Which ones should I continue getting? Which ones should I toss? Also, are there any that I’m missing? I’d love to hear from you.

Storyfix is about getting real with your writing dream. About writing the kinds of stories that attract a readership through an understanding of craft and harnessing the power of the underlying principles that make it so.
“If you want to publish your work, if you want a career as a writer, then you’ve come to the right place.” ~ Larry Brooks

Copyblogger has been teaching people how to create killer online content. Not bland corporate crap created to fill up a company webpage. Valuable information that attracts attention, drives traffic, and builds your business.

The Write Practice is here to kick-start your practice. You have to write millions of words no one is ever going to see before you can write the ones that will change someone’s life.  

The Story Circle Network is dedicated to helping women share the stories of their lives and to raising public awareness of the importance of women's personal histories. We carry out our mission through publications, a website, classes, workshops, writing and reading circles, and woman-focused programs. Our activities empower women to tell their stories, discover their identities through their stories, and choose to be the authors of their own lives.

Seth’s Blog Seth Godin is a writer, a speaker and an agent of change. American Way Magazine calls him, "America's Greatest Marketer," and his blog is perhaps the most popular in the world written by a single individual. As Seth says, Choose wisely. It's perhaps the most important decision we make, every day.”

Brain Pickings is a human-powered discovery engine for interestingness, a subjective lens on what matters in the world and why, bringing you things you didn’t know you were interested in — until you are.

She Writes Press is an independent company founded to serve members of She Writes, the largest global community of women writers online, and women writers everywhere. Its regular emails include articles by successful authors and an opportunity to write something related to your writing in six words.


Writer’s Digest includes prompts, articles about writing and publishing, competitions, and info about conferences and workshops.

Author Marketing Experts blogs about book marketing, publishing, social media, writing, author and book promotions.

Guide to Literary Agents Part of the Writer’s Digest family, it includes posts about all aspects of writing and provides lists of agents looking for new books. I had a guest post there, so there are opportunities for you. Chuck Sambuchino is very accessible.

CRWOPPS Creative Writers Opportunities List Group provides daily lists of publishing and writing contest opportunities.

HARO Help A Reporter Out  is your exclusive publicity genie, delivering you three free email alerts daily, straight from journalists and media companies on a deadline who want your story and expertise! Plus, with HARO, you can submit unlimited pitches to top journalists from local, regional and national media outlets. I’ve had a couple of successes here, including a paying gig.

My Name is Not Bob  provides guest posts and writing and marketing tips by Robert Lee Brewer, who describes himself as Father. Poet. Editor. Curator. Occasional slap-happy smack talker.

BookBaby is a small team of authors, bloggers, programmers, and dreamers. We're dedicated to helping authors make the journey from composition to publication. Includes lots of writing and publishing tips in its blog.


  1. I know what you mean. I get others as well like Steve Harrison's and Marsha Friedman's EMSI, and so many others. Too much information to keep up with.

  2. Madeline, I appreciate both the feeling of overwhelm and the service you are doing in sharing the resources you use. Every writer I know has at least three jobs: becoming the most clear and beautiful stylist possible, learning about the business of writing (platform, marketing, etc.), and becoming part of a community of readers and writers, helping others, and learning from them.

    Pretty soon 24 hours in a day and time for family and non-literary endeavors disappear!

    Congrats on collecting a great group of quality mentors for all three of your jobs. I appreciate being able to learn from you.

    I also follow Dan Blank's newsletter and am a member of Michael Hyatt's Platform University.


  3. Dear Sonia and Shirley,
    Thank you so much for your comments here and letting me know which resources I stil need to pursue. I think the list is endless. There is always a need to learn more from each other and all the material out there. And maybe we need to invent a day that is more than 24 hours long.

  4. Dear Madeline,

    I'm with you on the overwhelm. There are so many valuable resources available and it is a challenge to sift and sort through them all when I know I can benefit in some way from all f them. I do the best I can and hope that it is enough. Thanks for sharing your list of resources!

  5. Madeline,
    Thank you for sharing; you're a valuable resource!

  6. Hi, Kathy,
    I think doing the best we can is all we can do. And please let me know if you have some resources I should know about as well.
    Thanks for being here. Best, Madeline

  7. Hi, Crystal,

    You are so kind. Again, great working with WOW! It's a valuable resource as well.

  8. Here's another one I get monthly. Winning Writers. It is chuck full of listings for free writing contests. It also highlights its reader's published poems. Very generous.

  9. Madeline,as you can see, I'm playing catch up on my reading tonight. I'm a member of the overwhelmed subscribing writer. As Kathy said, I know each one will benefit me in some way but there's no way I can read everything that hits my inbox in a given day! I think we're all on the same page on this one.

  10. Thanks for the validation, Sherrey. I guess we can only do/read/write as much as we can.
    All best, Madeline xo
