
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A new published poem plus

 I’m pleased that the Story Circle Journal has published my new poem, “Writing My Truths” in response to their submission topic Silence. I certainly recommend my women writer friends to look into joining the Story Circle Network: for women with stories to tell. This group has been very supportive of my work.

Here’s a little description from its website:

The Story Circle Network is an international not-for-profit membership organization made up of women who want to document their lives and explore their personal stories through journaling, memoir, autobiography, personal essays, poetry, drama, and mixed-media.

Writing My Truths

I have a new room.
I write in there alone.
I sit at my draftsman table,
looking out the bay window
to the garden.
I see the trunks
of the three palm trees,
the small cement pond,
and the ferns swinging
their leaves behind it.
Sometimes a bird comes
by for a drink,
surfing along the top
of the pool.
Yet, I don’t open the window
to hear its song.
I want to hear
the songs my son
once played before he died.
They are my muse.
His memory
lets my soul
listen to the words
in my head. It allows me
to put my fingers
on the keyboard
and write my truths
in silence.

And since this is a poetry post, here’s one I wrote when my husband was three weeks post hip replacement surgery. He’s now going on nine weeks and continually improving.

Hip Hip Hooray

Just over
three weeks ago
my husband’s hip was
replaced by titanium and plastic.
But you’d never know
anything that violent –
sawing and hammering
a long rod
into his femur
to replace the old
with the new –
ever happened.
He goes for walks
without a walker or cane,
the home health nurse
has bid him adieu,
and now back to work,
he drives himself.
The trainer at the gym
puts him through his paces
twice a week,
and he only needs Advil
in small doses
to quell occasional pain.
A wide streak of black and blue
from his butt to his foot
is all that’s left.

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