
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Get ready for the November PAD with Robert Lee Brewer

During the month of November I’ll be again participating in Robert Lee Brewer’s November Poem A Day (PAD) challenge. He’s changed it up a bit this year. He’s asked us to submit a 10 to 20-page chapbook contest in January with poems culled from those created during the November challenge. I’m going enter. And I encourage my poetry-writing readers to follow suit.

Robert Lee Brewer

Robert also sends a great poetry prompt every week on Wednesday (except during November and April PAD challenges). To rev up some interest, here are some of my prompt responses (and the link to his latest prompt.) Remember the poems below are mostly unedited.

Write a box poem. This poem is either about a box or includes a box somewhere in the poem (or title). Don’t be afraid to poem outside the box this week (sorry, I had to say it).
Things in Boxes
He left a black canvas box
filled with his music recordings
next to his bed,
the cassette tapes neatly packed
in order of performance.

And on his closet shelf
we found a cardboard box filled
with little games, cars, toys,
1984 Olympic souvenirs,
and Russian buttons and buckles
his uncle brought back for him.

He fit these favorite things
together like an intricate puzzle,
before he left his body
for us to put in a box
in the ground.

Write a dessert poem. The poem can be titled as a dessert. The main characters could be eating or waiting for dessert. Or dessert could just be hinted at in the poem. Of course, I’m expecting a variety of desserts to be mentioned. 

A friend once said,
“Life is short, eat dessert first.”
She must have had a premonition
an insight into her future
because not long after
she became ill
and died. Her life
stopped just when she should
have been eating all those
sweet cakes and pies.
I’ve never forgotten her
and her flair for
conjuring up the unknown
and enjoying the brief
life that she had.

Write the worst thing that’s ever happened to you. Simple as that.

Paul’s death thirteen years ago
 – simple as that.
a mother’s worst nightmare
to have a child die.
And that I’m here
to write about it
is truly a miracle.
Rest in peace, Paul
I’ll never forget
or stop loving you  
– simple as that.

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