
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Late breaking book news

It’s time to bring you up to date with book news. It seems like things are moving so fast, I barely have time to do my novel and article writing. But it’s all good.

Books for Sale
As of yesterday the Kindle version of Leaving the Hall Light On is for sale. The paperback has been available for the last month or so. And in case you still like hardback books as I do, I have them for sale at my Amazon storefront at a reduced price of $21.50.

Marketing Events
Book giveaway at Goodreads. Hurry over there. It ends on August 28.

Google + Hangouts with Jason Matthews: Indie Authors #21 on Memoir Writing and Indie Authors # 24 on Writing as Therapy. I’ll participate in another hangout next Monday, August 27.

A September 13 roundtable with Linda Joy Myers of the National Association of Memoir Writers and Mike O’Mary of Dream of Things to talk about how I was able to contract with Dream of Things after my former publisher went out of business.

Readings at the Essay Fiesta and Waterline Writers and an interview on Rick Kogan's talk show on WGN radio – all taking place in Chicago in mid September (details to follow). Why Chicago? I grew up there and that’s where my publisher, Dream of Things, is headquartered. A great excuse to go back to my hometown.

And I’m scheduling a new blog tour to take place between October 1 and December 31. I’m so excited that many of the blogs that hosted me last year will host again during this tour. If you are interested in joining in, here are the details:

The Tour
The tour is open from October 1 to December 31, 2012. You can pick any date that works for you. And you can participate in one of three ways:
A.    Post a review of the book on your blog. 
B.    Post a Q&A with me using up to six questions from the list, below.
C.    Post a description of my book and conduct a contest to give away a free copy to one of your followers. (You can also hold a contest in conjunction with options A or B, if you like.)

If you would like to participate in the blog tour, please respond to this e-mail and let me know if you would like a print copy, a .mobi file (for Kindle), an .epub file (for Nook, iPad and other e-readers), or a PDF file. (The Kindle edition has just been released.)

Also, if you choose Option B (Q&A with me), let me know which questions you’d like me to address.
The Book
Leaving the Hall Light On: A Mother's Memoir of Living with Her Son's Bipolar Disorder and Surviving His Suicide charts the near-destruction of one middle-class family whose oldest son committed suicide after a seven-year struggle with bipolar disorder. Author Madeline Sharples goes deep into her own well of grief to describe her anger, frustration and guilt. She also shares the story of how she, her husband and younger son weathered every family's worst nightmare—including struggles with her own thoughts of suicide, and ultimately, her decision to live and take care of herself as a woman, wife, mother and writer.
·       "A moving read of tragedy, trying to prevent it, and coping with life after." Midwest Book Review
·       "Poetically visceral, emotionally honest." Irvin D. Godofsky, M.D.
·       "Moving, intimate and very inspiring." Mark Shelmerdine, CEO, Jeffers Press
The book is also available through my publisher, Dream of Things.
The Author
Madeline Sharples is an author, poet, and web journalist who spent most of her professional life as a technical writer and editor, grant writer and proposal manager. Through the tragedy of her son’s mental illness and suicide, she has become a thought-provoking expert on the affects of mental illness and suicide on family members—and, more important, on how to keep the surviving members of your family together and move forward in the aftermath of tragedy.

Questions for Option B, online Q&A with me (please select a maximum of six questions):
1.     What does the title of the book mean?
2.     What were the warning signs when your son first began to experience symptoms of bipolar disorder?
3.     How difficult was it for you to get your son to seek treatment and take medication for his illness?
4.     How do you give support and comfort to a person who doesn’t want support or comfort?
5.     How did you maintain your sanity after your son’s suicide?
6.     Did your marriage suffer as a result of your son’s bipolar disorder and suicide?
7.     How have you seen the stigma of mental illness and suicide play out in your life?
8.     What can a person do to help and comfort a family that has experienced a suicide or other tragedy?
9.     How did your elder son’s illness and suicide affect your thoughts toward your younger son?
10.  One of the ways you dealt with your personal tragedy is by writing about it. How did that help you?
11.  Who should read your book?
12.  What advice do you have for families that have been affected by mental illness or suicide?

And that doesn’t count my blogging, tweeting, Facebook posting, occasionally visiting LinkedIn and Pinterest, and writing for PsychAlive, Naturally Savvy, Open to Hope, and a new gig starting this month at Aging Bodies.

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