
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Create a Time Management Plan – Platform Challenge – Day 23

Robert Lee Brewer’s platform challenge assignment for yesterday was to create a time management plan. He believes that we must manage our time so we can remain connected on our social networks and still spend the majority of our time writing.

I have been fully aware of this ever since I retired from my day job in April 2010 and plunked myself in my chair at my home office and began my life as a full-time writer. Even though I allow myself a lot of time to write, I find myself wandering every so often to look at my email, check my Facebook comments and likes, see if anything is happening here at Choices, and respond to Twitter messages and retweets. I feel if I’m going to participate in the social media at all it’s a matter of give and take. If someone gives to me, I have to give back.

View from my office 

Just now I found a comment on an article that went live yesterday. If someone was generous enough to make a comment on my piece, I had to write a thank you right away, didn’t I?

Well, no. It could have waited. Like Robert, I’m going to reward myself with fifteen to thirty minutes of social media time after I finish each piece of writing I’ve assigned myself for the day. My assignments for today are:

  • Finish and submit a piece for the Journeys through Grief  newsletter – Check
  • Write poems for the PAD challenge – since I didn’t respond to yesterday’s prompt, I had to write two poems today – Check
  • Post a blog piece on my Red Room page – that was easy, I posted a piece I had written for this blog – Check
  • Write a new Choices blog piece – I’m doing that now.
  • Reread and edit my piece for PsychAlive and get it ready to send off.
  • Work on my novel – I try to write 300 to 500 words a day, and so far I’ve been successful at it.

That’s about three to five hours of work right there, so I have precious little time for social media. Right away I know I have to limit my social media breaks to no more than fifteen minutes each – at least for today. And really that’s plenty.

I could also consider a shorter writing assignment list for each day. Actually that will happen almost automatically. My April platform and PAD challenge participation will end at the end of this month, so I’ll have more free time almost right away. And once I submit my two or three regular monthly articles, I don’t have to worry about those for a few weeks.

So my workload varies. What I need to do is write down what I have on my plate each day, and then check the boxes as I finish each task. I can then reward myself with some social media time as I check that finished box. I think that’s all the time management I’m going to do. It’s not rocket science. 

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