
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Platform Challenge - Day 2

Today's platform-building task is to set goals, including short-term and long-term goals. Robert Lee Brewer wants us to also make a list of goals to accomplish by the end of this year; and then, make a list of goals to accomplish before I die.

Here are my goal lists:

Short-term goals:
  • Complete April Platform Challenge on My Name Is Not Bob blog
  • Complete April PAD Challenge on Poetic Asides blog
  • Get an ebook of my memoir ready for publication
  • Submit poetry to chapbook and full-length book contests
  • Have lots of sales at the LA Times Festival of Books
  • Finish editing Keith Alan Hamilton’s Nature IQ book of poetry
  • Answer Daisy’s questions for her SunnyRoomStudio blog
  • Keep on with my social network marketing efforts
  • Set up blog tour for release of my ebook
Long-term goals (same as goals to accomplish by the end of 2012):
  • Publish my ebook
  • Produce and release a CD with Paul’s music
  • Finish my novel and find an agent for it
  • Publish full-length poetry collection
  • Continue writing articles for PsychAlive and Naturally Savvy
Goals to accomplish before I die
  • Be a better wife, mother, and friend
  • Become a grandmother
  • Travel to places on my bucket list
  • Live in Italy for at least four months
  • Erase the stigma of mental illness and suicide so that lives can be saved



  1. I'm impressed by how full your plate is. You are one busy and ambitious woman. And your cause is noble too.

    My guess is that you're already a great wife and mother.

  2. Thanks, Angela. I gotta keep busy. It keeps me sane. Plus I have to get a lot done in a little bit of time.

    Besides, I spent many years detouring away from my true calling, so I have to make up for lost time.
