
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Company is coming tomorrow

I'm excited to interview Kathy Handley here tomorrow while she's on her WOW Women on Writing blog tour. Kathy is the author of Birds of Paradise and A World of Love and Envy (short fiction, flash-fiction, and poetry).

Birds of Paradise Front Cover

What is most exciting about Kathy and her newly 
published writing is that she, like I, started her writing career late in life. She was seventy-one years old when her novel, Birds of Paradise was released. 

For more information about Kathy and her work, click on these websites.

Kathryn Handley’s Website:

Publisher’s Website:

Hashtag: #BirdsParadise

And please join me here tomorrow to read what she has to say about her books, her writing career, and what she is most passionate about now.

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