
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Published Twitter-length poems

I was so busy during the month of June with the WOW blog tour, I didn’t get a chance to post my two Twitter length poems that "unFold" magazine published. Here they are:

Riding the Waves  [June 13, 2011]
Hummingbirds are skinny-dipping
in my garden pool,
bouncing off the fountain,
surfing the surrounding leaves.
Since He Left His Toothbrush  [June 15, 2011]
He recited Byron’s words
yet we’ll go no more a roving
by the light of the moon
as a final fare thee well,
but she knew he’d be back.

To read more of these fun and challenging 140-character or less poems go to:

And I’m happy to say, "unFold" will publish one more of my new short poems in the Fall.

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