
Sunday, April 17, 2011

My WOW blog tour starts on June 6

I’ve been preparing for my book’s WOW blog tour. It will start on June 6 and run for a month, and I expect to have about fifteen stops. So far WOW and I have developed a list of twelve blog topics and I’ve started working through five of them already. However, I know already I’ll have to cut them quite a bit. WOW recommends each piece be no more than 300 to 500 words.

So what is WOW ( They state on their About page on their website:

"WOW! is a global magazine, designed to support women's creativity, energy, blood, sweat and tears, throughout all stages of the writing process. We envision Wow! being a favorite watering hole for professionals, the up-and-coming, and the recipients of our labors--the avid readers.

Our concept is unique, as it fills in the missing gap between writing websites and women's magazines. We are dedicated to raising the overall standards within the writing community, and devote an active profile within writing industry associations, organizations and websites.
WOW! is committed to excellence in every way, in our work ethic, in the products and services we provide, and in our relationships with our readers, contributors, freelancers, interviewees, advertisers, and subscribers. We strive to be fair, honest and courteous in all of our dealings.
Ultimately, WOW! hopes to contribute to the love, enjoyment and excitement of producing quality writing--so that the reader in all of us will never want for good material, in any form."
I got started with this site by entering one of their writing contests that they have every so often. And I’m pleased to say I got an honorable mention, a critique of my piece, plus a bunch of nice prizes. Then I offered to host a couple of authors on my blog – one last year and one the year before. It was fun to get to know those women authors virtually and support them in any way I could. Now I’m excited to have my own tour at other blogger’s sites. Of course it’s a great way to promote my book, Leaving the Hall Light On, “toot my own horn,” as WOW says, and to find out about the many wonderful women bloggers out there.
Look for more information about this up and coming tour. I’ll have a schedule posted here soon.


  1. I have heard about your book and am looking forward to hearing even more about it.
    All the very best with the blog tour.

  2. Nice story! I have played wow for 5 years and you are so good. Good job!
