
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

NaSmaStoMo - Small stone month update

During the month of January 2011, I took the small stone challenge -  noticing one thing properly every day and writing it down.

And I'm pleased to say that one of my thirty-one small stones appears in the book: 

pay attention: a river of stones, edited by Fiona Robyn and Kaspalita.

I have always thought I paid attention to the details around me, but with this challenge I looked particularly at what was going on in nature. I take regular walks to the beach and that was a perfect opportunity to pay attention. My small stone in the book is something a saw about the ocean one day.

I've posted three links for you to buy either a paperback, hardback, or download edition of the book. I hope you will and that you like it. I can't wait to get mine and read the other 349 small stones in the book.

The book also contains short prose pieces written by the editors, longer quotes by several small-stoners, and an appendix with lots of information about how to write small stones.

You can buy the paperback
, the  hardback
 and the download
 from Lulu right now.

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