
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Recap of 2010 Events

Before I move on to 2011, I thought I'd recap some of our family's 2010. We sent this list along with our holiday cards.

  • Bob recovers from knee surgery
  • Bob publishes Volume 1 of Family History – Bob's family story
  • Bob’s brother Richard’s dies; Madeline and Bob travel to New York
  • Ben and Marissa announce intention to marry
  • Madeline takes novel writing workshop at UCLA and begins first novel
  • Madeline retires from Northrop Grumman on April 30
  • Madeline has several poems published at Survivor Chronicles, unFold, and Poetsespresso
  • Bob ends 14 years of consulting for TRW/Northrop Grumman on May 7
  • Madeline and Bob begin five-week vacation with trip to Chicago, Washington, and New York City to see family and friend
  • Our five week vacation continues to London, cruise from South Hampton to Scandinavia and St. Petersburg with return through London and New York
  • No work at Northrop for Bob upon return; he takes the summer off
  • Madeline gets publishing contract with Lucky Press LLC to publish her memoir, Leaving the Hall Light On, about Paul and how our family survived his death. The book will e released Mother’s Day 2011
  • Madeline begins revising her draft manuscript
  • Trip to Kentucky to view investment property
  • The Great American Poetry Show Volume 2 that Madeline co-edits is published -
  • Pages bookstore hosts reading of Madeline and Paul Blieden’s book of photography and poems, The Emerging Goddess -
  •  Madeline celebrates three year anniversary of her blog, Choices -  
  • Madeline and Bob visit new great niece, Khloe, and rest of Denver family
  • Bob has face surgery for basal cell carcinoma 
  • Bob publishes Volume 2 of Family History - Madeline's family story
  • Madeline submits revised draft of her memoir to Lucky Press LLC
  • Madeline and Bob vacation in Carmel


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