
Thursday, November 4, 2010

One month countdown

Even though my publisher has given me a December 18 deadline, my goal is to have everything ready to send off to her on December 4 -- one month from today.

Here's the list:

  • complete and merged manuscript
  • cover photos
  • photos for inside the book
  • photos of me
  • copy for the paper back cover
  • copy for the hardback dust jacket
Here's what's left to do:
  • finish creating almost-final chapters. I have four left to go
  • have the almost-final version reviewed front to back
  • incorporate last review comments if I so choose
  • merge and copy-edit the final document
  • finish picking out photos for the body of the book
  • have my photo taken
  • write the cover and dust jacket copy

Sound daunting? 

Well, I'm a deadline-oriented person. I have no doubt I will get it all finished -- on time.


  1. Wow! That sounds exciting not daunting! Good luck with it all! :o)

  2. Congratulations! How exciting! Can't wait to read your book. Best of luck with your to-do list :)
