
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Do Facebook ads help create fans?

A couple of weeks ago my Facebook author page was having a slump in fan attention, and I thought the best way to reve up interest was to buy an ad. Facebook is always pushing their ad prowess, so I thought why not give it a try.

I started out with a budget of  $250. But, after a couple of days of seeing hardly any action, I cut it to $150. After a week I slashed the budget to $50, and I don't even think that is worth it. For fifty-two clicks and one fan I've paid over $30 so far.  But I'll stick with this amount and then quietly leave the Facebook ad arena when the money runs out. 

Perhaps I don’t know enough about steering the ads to the appropriate folks, but I thought that’s what Facebook was there to do for me. What else would I be paying them for? 

So for all this money, what I'm left with is a huge negative feeling about Facebook ads. Right now I just don't get the point.

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