
Monday, June 28, 2010

The writing life - another report

Since I consider last week my first real week of retirement, I think I got through it with flying colors. I was very diligent about my writing, I got caught up with the over 500 emails in my inbox, I posted at both my blog sights (Choices and Red Room), and I began to write down my thoughts about how to get my memoir into a shape that will pass the publication hurdle. I also got very involved in watching the first season of “Damages,” the lawyer series starring Glenn Close. It’s absolutely brilliant. And, I’m as disciplined as ever about keeping to my workout schedule.
I continue to write at least 300 words a day on my novel, so at this rate I should have a book draft ready very soon. I’m already about 70 pages into it. However, right now it’s a just a hodgepodge of scenes, dialogues, scene outlines, and little descriptions, and it definitely lacks a lot of necessary research. I plan to workshop it in Jessica’s Novel 2 class starting in September – unless my memoir edit is still in full force. Needless to say, I’m very happy with my writing life so far. And, as you can see, there's a little play involved as well.

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