
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Towel art

My husband and I just returned from a cruise to Northern Europe, visiting Copenhagen, Stockholm, Tallin, St. Petersburg, Helsinki, and Oslo. We were pampered royally on Cunard's newest ship, the Queen Victoria. One of the people who helped make us feel like royalty was the young woman, named Santa, who took care of our room. Santa, from Latvia, worked about 12 hours a day or more with most of her days starting out on the balcony scrubbing away any precipitation that accumulated during the night. And, no matter when I saw her, she always had a smile and a happy greeting for me.

One day late morning we came back to our state room and found an adorable towel scupture on our freshly made up bed -- hand made by Santa. Not only is this young woman a hard worker she has a wonderful artistic touch. We were indeed enthralled by her on all counts.

1 comment:

  1. We are going to many of those same cities in Aug/Sept - but not on a cruise! We are flying into Copenhagen, train to Stockholm, boat to Helsinki, boat to Talliin, boat back to Stockholm, train to Oslo. I'd love to get your recommendations. maybe we can meet for lunch some time?
