
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Another sign from the light

I got word today that two of my poems were accepted for publication in Perigee: Publication for the Art's October 15 issue. I'll post the link as soon as they appear.

Here’s what Perigee said:

"Your work was among the very best, and we are pleased to inform you that we would like to publish both "Demolition" and "Reaching for a Star" in our upcoming issue. You are to be commended on your craft and should be proud of your work….We are so pleased that you submitted to us, and we hope to see more of your work in the future. We also hope you will take pride in your achievement: these are the successes which make the creative act all the more rewarding. Thanks for making Perigee a part of it. Congratulations.“

WOW that was a real shot in the arm to get my creative juices flowing again. I’ve been very dormant lately, and with that and the signs I’ve been getting re resources for submitting my work, I feel like I have to get going with my writing and submissions. Another agent's name came up today, and I’ve put his blog on my list of resources to read. If only I had the time to give my writing the attention it needs.

The light is shining very brightly over my writing life this week.

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