
Thursday, April 30, 2009

April poem no. 30

Today's April PAD challenge prompt is to write a farewell poem -- any kind of farewell. Well I feel like saying farewell to poetry month, to the PAD challenge through Facebook, and to my own challenge to post a poem everyday in April here. It's time for it to be over and say farewell. It's time for some other kind of posts.
We'll see what comes up next month. May is my birthday and anniversary month so it could be interesting.

The Long Farewell

Let’s have a long farewell
like young lovers used to do
at the train station.
She, in a flowing white dress
with gloves, shoes, and hat to match,
he, in his new gray suit,
shiny wingtips,
and perfect bow tie,
bends her backward
in an embrace
that makes people gape
as they go by.
When they finally come up for air
he takes her face in his hands
kisses both her cheeks
and gives her another big hug.
She can’t help responding.
She entwines her arms
around his neck
and snuggles her face
into his chest.
But, she must leave him
and teary eyed
she turns to go to the train.
No. he’s not ready to let her go.
He takes her hands
then, as she backs away,
they stay in touch
just by the fingertips
until they can reach each other no longer.
As she steps onto train
she blows him kisses.
He takes his handkerchief
from his suit pocket
and begins to wave
and he keeps waving,
all the while saying
farewell, farewell,
until she is out of sight.

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