
Sunday, April 26, 2009

April poem no. 26

We just returned from a weekend away. The desert was beautiful, the weather was perfect -- not too hot and not too cool -- the flowers were in full bloom, seeing old friends was a real treat, yet as always, we're glad to be home. I wrote this next poem after a 3-week trip to France in 2001. And, then too we were glad to go home -- in fact, we arranged to go home a day early.

The End of the Trip

We’re both tired
We’re both cranky
We’re both snappish
Too much driving
Too much packing
Too much unpacking
Too much money spent on food and drinks
that we could easily do without.

All of Paris will be closed
On Tuesday our last day.
No Musee D/Orsay
No Giverney
No Versailles
No shopping
So, forget about them.
Let them rest in peace
They’ll have to do without us
We’re leaving early
We’ve already arranged it
And, I can’t wait.

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