
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A little success story

I got word yesterday that Memoir (and) has accepted two of my poems for its February 2009 edition. I submitted at the end of July and promptly forgot about it. Could that be why I woke at 3 am and couldn’t fall back to sleep? All the excitement? Well, I’m sure feeling the results of that now. Anyhow, I spoke with the editor and she sounds fantastic and very willing to help get me exposure. She’s putting a link to my blog in my bio and links to my other poetry sites at Mamazine and The Emerging Goddess in the bio that will appear online. Who knows, maybe she’ll think of someone for my memoir. In the meantime, I’m very excited she’ll publish the two poems, "The Last Night" and "Thursday Morning" – posted on my blog September 22 and September 18. She thinks of them as a pair – I certainly had never thought of that. But, of course, it makes perfect sense.

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