
Thursday, May 29, 2008

38 years

Yesterday was our 38th anniversary. I wrote a poem called 38 Years a few years ago, the anniversary of when we first fell in love. But the poem still applies.

I actually took part of that poem and used it to compose a poem on Intimacy for Paul
B’s new series of photography that he plans to self publish. They are wonderful black and white nudes of a man and a woman looking like they are intimate, but not explicitly so.

But, he felt my poem was too explicit for the frontispiece of the book. That reaction was a surprise to me; however, I went along with the gag and wrote one that doesn’t have any sexy words in it – just a getting to know you kind of piece. Here it is.


She moves toward him
her lithe body
her long legs
float across the floor.
Her arms outstretched
wrap around his neck.
And they stop, stare
get to know
the color of each other’s eyes.
He turns away slightly
then returns
then turns away again
as if he cannot stand
this closeness
this connection with her.
She leans into him
nuzzles his neck
smiles up into his face
and he relents
and meets her gaze.
He smoothes the length of her arms
and takes her hands in his
and like a dance
they sway from side to side
twirl and dip
until almost breathless
their hearts beat together in time.
They lightly hold on to one another
still too new to hang on tight
until the dance is done.

Anyhow, we had a very nice anniversary. And what was most moving was Bob writing that he’d like to have another 38 years with me on the card he gave me. Of course that is probably impossible – 38 plus 68 equals 106. No matter how healthy I am now or how healthy I’ll stay, living to 106 seems unlikely. Still it's a wonderful thought.

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