
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thanks, Monica, for your common sense

I read a short piece in last Sunday’s LA Times Image section by Monica Corcoran who admits to being over 40 – what a baby – and definitely not into this current young and hipper (Y&H, she calls it) movement where 40 is supposed to be the new 30. There is so much out there that speaks to staying young looking and cool longer that her opinion is a breath of fresh air. She doesn’t want any of those youth-style advocates to dictate hers which, she says, is evolving as she evolves and grows older. I can relate. Just because I’m still trim it doesn’t mean that I should dress like a teeny bopper. Even though my husband would like to see me in low cut mini dresses, they just wouldn’t look appropriate on a person my age. So I feel vindicated.

Monica, if you ever read this, thank you very much.

By the way, her piece is called “Timeless Untruths: A slew of books on staying young – or at least looking that way – fail to consider that 40, 50, or 60 may not want to be the new anything,” dated December 9, 2007.

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